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The historical past, the culture, and the natural environment of Corfu rank it among the first preferences of visitors looking for high-quality tourist destinations. The v-Corfu project focuses on highlighting these elements of Corfu using Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality technologies in order to highlight the comparative advantage of the Ionian Islands Region in the fields of Tourism, Culture and Environment through interactive multimodal content which includes videos, photos, three-dimensional ( 3D) modeling, audio content and informative text.

A central element of v-Corfu is the Virtual Exhibition Site which enables digital visitors to browse its virtual exhibits. This space is virtually represented by the Old Municipal Theater of Corfu which, although no longer exists, remains alive in the local living memory and is another example of Corfu’s close relationship with the culture and art of the rest of Europe.

Virtual exhibits consist of images (paintings, photographs, maps), 3D objects (sculptures, models, etc.), high resolution video projections (2D or 3D as a result of virtual representations and video recordings [ground and aerial] carried out for the needs of the recording) or even transition portals to 3D interactive tours for other points of interest located in various areas of v-Corfu such as, for example, the galleries of the Old Municipal Theater, according to relevant thematic units (history, arts, politics, architecture, etc.).

Digital visitors can enter, through their personal computers, smart devices or special virtual reality equipment, the virtual environment, move through spaces such as the galleries, the theater stage, or the theater square, and interact with the virtual exhibits.

In addition, the v-Corfu platform has complementary applications such as mini games, a tour guide to Corfu Town, and the Digital Interactive Book that includes the content of v-Corfu and the exhibits of the Virtual Exhibition Site in a way similar to traditional museum guides. All applications are in Greek and English and meet the required standards for the disabled.

The main Beneficiary of the project is the Ionian University Research Committee, while the Ministry of Culture-Ephorate of Antiquities of Corfu participates as a partner in the project, undertaking the validation and editing of the texts included in the digital applications.


Name: Corfu Virtual Exhibition Site in the Tourism-Culture-Environment Sectors

Acronym: v-Corfu

Funding Framework: Ionian Islands NSRF 2014-2020

Department of Principal Investigator: Department of Audio and Visual Arts

Budget: €236,200.00

Development Duration: 2019-2023

Brief Description of Implementation: Creation of a Virtual Exhibition Site (VES), which will enable digital users to browse its virtual exhibits, highlighting the comparative advantage of Corfu in terms of its culture heritage, its natural environment, and its tourist dynamics. The VES will be the gateway to the 3D interactive tours and will correspond to an emblematic element of the culture of Corfu as it will be a virtual representation of the (non-existent) Old Municipal Theater of Corfu.


The Virtual Exhibition Site of  v-Corfu offers a set of cultural applications, directly accessible to all user groups. These include, among others, the following:

  • Digital Exhibition in Virtual Reality
  • Augmented/Mixed Reality Applications
  • Digital Interactive Book
  • 3D Models and 3D Prints
  • Digital Maps
  • Multimedia and Multimodal Content
  • Mini Games
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